Beers at Stagioni

As can be read in this thread we are holding the next Open Beer Delft at our coworking office next to the Delft Central train station: Studio 4 Stagioni.

After some months of silence we heard some signals from the community that a new iteration of the event might be appreciated. A lot of stuff has happened, people and projects are moving on and catching up while drinking a beer could be a nice way to spend part of a Friday

So announcing the next iteration of Open Beer Delft, the VrijMiBo for
entrepeneurial and freelance Delft. Beers on us at our office Studio 4 Stagioni
Friday November 14th, 17:00 – 19:00
Hooikade 2, Delft

Come one, come all and invite those that may not be aware of this
event. A quick reply to confirm, so we know how many people to
expect, would be appreciated.

Hope to see you guys here, for a chat and a beer.

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