This Happened Again

Monday I’ll be attending This Happened Utrecht #21. This Happened is organized by Ianus, Alex and Kars as part of the This Happened franchise and the best description I’ve heard is that “it’s like Pecha Kucha with actual content.”

The presentations promise to be interesting again, it’ll be nice to catch up with people and I’ll be writing a blog report of the Q&A sessions2. So it would be nice if people would ask questions worth blogging and worth talking about after the event. I’m pretty sure comments will be open.


Of the people presenting I’d already heard about MIMOA. I’m pretty interested in architecture3 and I gave the site a brief test run.

It’s a great open catalogue (or is it a personal architectural guide?). It’s mostly functional and I saw that they also syndicate their content to for instance the Stylos4 site. Some of the flows and layouts of the site are a bit jarring and could use fixing but they don’t detract from the core usefulness of the site5.

The only thing I’m curious about is whether MIMOA could be used as a tool to bridge the gap between architecture professionals and us naieve end users (or should I say victims) of their creations. The current blurbs and comment system do not really invite to such.

  1. I think it’s fully booked, so better luck next time. See the video’s of #1 on Vimeo. []
  2. And no, I will not be turning problogger. []
  3. I’m one of those people who has to live in the built environment. []
  4. the architectural student association []
  5. In a brief chat with Kie Ellens he also remarked that there is far too little architectural material semi-freely available online. Which is —I would add— backward and detrimental to the profession. []

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