This week started pretty extreme1 with 12+ hour days on Monday and Tuesday culminating in the launch of PLAY Pilots.
Wednesday was occupied with fallout, rest and coming to terms with Stumptown Amsterdam’s closing. I drank quite some coffee there and talked lots of work. Also Martijn dropped by the office to solder something:
Thursday started the quest to find a good identity for Monster Swell. Also started the foray into the Dutch subsidy jungle.
Friday, updated the portfolio’s a bit and went to the (OMG WTF) MoMo AMS BBQ.
Saturday my Epson V500 scanner arrived which I’ll be using mostly for capturing project documentation better and scanning 120 film. On to an even more dematerialized life.
Sunday was occupied with a lot of reading in Designing for the Digital Age preparing for the UX Book Club we are hosting on Tuesday. Also more scanning (and throwing out paper) and writing the first issue of my Dutch design and technology column “Design Directie†(due out here tomorrow morning).
- Thoug we wouldn’t have it any other way. It was epic! [↩]