Last week was a short one and mostly spent in preparation of work writing proposals and quotes. I hope we can wrap all that stuff up this week and go back into grand scale production mode.
The biggest thing to do last week was to transition the PLAY Pilots twitter bot to use OAuth. I just found this article “Setting Up Twitter Bots with OAuth” that describes exactly what I did (without having read it). Twitter’s documentation is a bit shoddy in this respect.
The week was cut short because of a trip to London and Brighton for dConstruct. It gets a bit routine but I greatly enjoyed the second half of more conceptual and broad reaching presentations (Tom Coates completely crushed it) that are not directly concerned with the day to day operations of an agency1. I wrote up my hyper-connected London tourism experience yesterday in: “Boris Bikes are made of epic win”
Housekeeping: @ouroffice (in photos) is due for some upgrades in the near future and it looks like we will be getting 1-3 new openings. The location is pretty ace, the rent is crazy cheap and the company is good and may get better depending on what you’re bringing. So if you’re professional and design minded, get in touch2. It will be good to work together.
- Something I know many people attending do want to hear about if only to justify to themselves why they went. [↩]
- Or talk to me this afternoon at the MoMo about design which you should be attending anyway. [↩]
You’re live on Weeknotes now. Sorry for the crazy delay… I was consumed with work over at Helsinki Design Lab.
No problem Bryan, thank you very much!