A short remaindered weeknote (a rather awesome event and dinner packed week indeed):
Monday had dinner with our informal hedge fund association whose members shall stay anonymous. Suffice it to say: they’re a swell sort.
Finishing up my end of the Urbanode, the local systems integration and being the programmer on the ground. Handed that over to Peter Robinett on Friday.
Most of the rest of the week was concerned with preparing my presentation for the Club of Amsterdam on Thursday and then putting the slides with notes and references for that online.
Had a talk with D66 council member Sebastiaan Capel with ideas from my own practice and of the wider tech community on how to improve the state of the city of Amsterdam. I eagerly await his transcript of that talk.
Wednesday I was invited to the Microsoft Design Mind Salon with Bill Buxton, an awe inspiring design mind if ever there was one. After that I went to the drinks of the Design by Fire Event (a great event by all accounts) and caught up with friends old and new for dinner.
Thursday was the presentation day with speakers’ dinner. Had an interesting talk with Arjen Kamphuis of Gendo.
Friday I rounded up my administration before my trip to the Levant.