A busy week the last one, met with several people busy in the field of open transit data to the point of actively starting projects or planning to integrally solve the problem. Good to see that a lot of momentum (and perceived value) is in that space.
Worked on the integration of Bandjesland for PLAY Pilots.
Gave a presentation Wednesday at Social Media Club 030 which was pretty well received giving an overview of the Location Based Services landscape both in breadth and in history with some hints towards the future. I think this screenshot of Plazes from early 2006 was pretty telling.
Got the idea for project toluca and did some initial research and work on that. More of a self-itch relevance thing, but should cause a bunch of attention when it launches.
Mobile Monday Amsterdam posted the video of my presentation at their event. Thanks for that.
I also did a planning session on culiacán at Booreiland, research can start though production should be more of a 2011 thing.
Project querétaro is a hugely relevant data-journalism thing which got the in-depth brief and coding kick-off.
Friday the expedition to the VVOJ congres in Ghent started where with a group of people from Hack de Overheid we held a data ‘genius bar’ where journalists could ask their questions and Saturday we did our best to assess and resolve their issues. Interest at our desk was large (and only partially because they thought we were real hackers) and we managed to resolve pretty much all of the issues to some degree.
Also it’s not on the site yet —it is on the new one—, but I joined Hack de Overheid due to synergies we couldn’t ignore any longer.
Also Saturday in two weeks we will have the Open Data Day and Dutch Data Drinks #3.