Last week was the week things got into gear again for 2011.
Monday I built a quick javascript mashup with the new API by NOS called ‘Ons Nieuws’ (Our News): inspired by the trend in glanceable display websites. The write-up is here: “Glanceable news using the new NOS API”
Blogged about the catch-22 in Dutch open data: “Bloggers, transparency and our Catch-22”
Hack de Overheid is also busy bringing a whole lot of awesome to open data in 2011. Stay tuned and look over there for announcements.
Started setup for the next iteration of Dutchstats. Kicked off the technical part of Dutchstats (the renderer) with Kilian Valkhof, drafted a set of functional and non-functional requirements and setup a project repository.
Did a bunch of deployment stuff to create a rather complex django site for mérida which is a relief to get up and running.
Switched prototyping maguro from twisted to Django because that is still the technology I’m most familiar with (prototyping should not be about technology acquaintance). We had a meeting with the team and after some discussion we played a game concept that was pretty fun.
Friday we had a geek breakfast with Peter and Taco having a full English at Greenwoods. The food was good as was the conversation. We should really do this regularly.
Then I spent the rest of the day with James Burke working on the new version of the Hack de Overheid site.
In the weekend I picked up a second hand Grote Bosatlas 51e editie for a real bargain. It still is a fantastic cornucopia of maps and infographics. Leafing through it made me all nostalgic like I used to do back in school exploring far away places on the map.