Week 215

Is it Wednesday already? We’re a bit in a production down cycle, but you wouldn’t notice for the lack of administrativa that needs dealing with.

Skylines huddle

Blogged about project potosi: Interactive Infographic for de Groene Amsterdammer also blogged about hermosillo: Mapping voter sentiment in the Netherlands

We did a bunch of writing among which some proposals for academic conferences where we are going to drop some knowledge & praxis.

Culiacan and Statlas are moving forward at a steady pace.


A large part of last week was spent preparing the presentation for /dev/haag ambitiously titled “Fixing Reality with Data Visualization”. The slides of which are forthcoming in long form.

@bedatadriven presenting on MapReduce at /dev/Haag

This week we will be at Mediamatic’s Data Visualization Barcampt, probably presenting some new work and also at a workshop hosted by VURB and VOLUME with architects and programmers. If you see us at either, do say hi!

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