Last week got off to a good start with victory dinner by team maguro. Good times were had. Plans for world domination were forged.
Wrote up the project we did for the Amsterdam UIT Bureau: Foursquare map display for Amsterdam nightlife. We are very happy to have been able to do this project and we look forward to its debut in the ticket shop.
I also published the slides for my talk at /dev/haag: Slides for ‘Fixing reality with data visualization’
And the week was closed off with @ouroffice drinks on the roof terrace. Odds are good that we may be expanding our floor surface within the building, parts of which are already spoken for, but others still open. If you have an idea or would like to join us, do get in touch.
That Friday however did not conclude the week. Saturday we had a workshop as internet experts with VOLUME architecture magazine (co-organized by our friends from VURB). They are planning to do an issue on ‘Internet of Things’ though the internet’s ramifications for architecture go much much further than that most practical layer.