Week 255: Games, hacks, art and coworking

Last week featured some taxes, and a write-up of our gamejam efforts in nrc.next post-published on Bashers: The Making of Nakatomi Rider.

On Tuesday I went to c-base for Hack and Tell which featured some rather interesting hacks, a low douchebag count and some nice pizza.
Show & Tell (Long time since I was last here.)

On Wednesday I did the last work on a project from last year. Then I went to see a shared office in Kreuzkölln before going to the Games Culture Circle (sort of similar to Gamelab in Amsterdam).


On Friday I went to see Agora based on a tip by Peter Bihr and I decided to setup shop there for the time being. Having a studio increases my productivity some four times. The rest of the day and weekend was spent getting back into XCode and into the iOS deployment process.

Snow and silence

I also blogged about the 2012 Q1 events schedule both personally and professionally.

Don't sign anything. Probably the best advice for German society ever.

On Saturday I did make it out to the Haus der Kulturen der Welt to get a taste of the Transmediale, but I was a bit overwhelmed by the quantity and unclarity of the program so I didn’t do more than take a look around. I think the entire obscurantist tendency surrounding net art is highly problematic and negates any relevance the field may have. I did catch the Graham Harman keynote on the live stream which would have been worth admission by itself.

Where I will be working for now

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