[unnamed] is the best kept secret of Berlin

We live in perhaps one of the nicest parts of Berlin I am finding out. It has every thinkable amenity: highly specialized stores, a diverse assortment of restaurants and cafés with some real gems. Our house is smack in the center of this in walking distance of three major U lines. If you talked to me recently you probably know where this is at, but for the purpose of this blogpost I’m going to play mum.

Tourists are few and far between and those that make it out here seem to have a purpose about them. It was noticeable when I took some Dutch friends for breakfast around here that the proprietors’ reactions bordered on the annoyed. Rightly so. The part of Berlin where I’m living has been doing fine and does not need to become a tourist/expat infested over-gentrified hipster slum.

We invite new arrivals to go to the same places everybody else is settling in —I hear Wedding is going to be the next big thing— and please don’t bother us. We may hold out another comfortable ten years over here.

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