Week 271: lots of events and event preparations with some making in between

Quickly this last week. Work on our own iPhone transit application is progressing nicely. The iPhone has an exquisite palette of operations to work with.

I met the great people from Campus Party who are going to hold an event in Berlin at the end of August. More to follow in the light of hacking, programming and opening up the things that should be open.

Eric Zimmerman and Nathalie Pozzi presenting at the UdK

Tuesday Eric Zimerman and Nathalie Pozzie gave a lecture at the Universität der Kunsten as an introduction to their residency here. It is very nice to have them over for the summer and I’m curious what will come out of it.

Work is revving up for the next Hack de Overheid event on June 16th which is going to be a lot of fun. Wednesday we saw Ignite Berlin which had a very nice line-up of talks.

Thursday I met Julianne from Social Media Week Berlin and went to the School of Data meetup by the Open Knowledge Foundation.

Nice garden

Friday I met up with Chris Eidhof, fellow Dutchman and iOS developer here in Berlin. Always a pleasure, and then it was off to the massive Karneval der Kulturen street festival.

Mall Culture

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