All of the books I read are to be found on Goodreads but here is my year’s overview because it is customary to do these things. I count 23 which is not too shabby but should be improved upon (always).
The Sandman: Endless Nights Gaiman, Neil
Getting around to finishing all of the Sandman. Somewhat indulgent but still a very well done multi-mythology.
The Invisibles Omnibus Morrison, Grant
A hugely important graphic novel. Also mind expanding in all the good ways that are necessary for a broad view of the world.
Pump Six and Other Stories Bacigalupi, Paolo
More Bacigalupi. Even more please.
Two Cheers for Anarchism: Six Easy Pieces on Autonomy, Dignity and Meaningful Work and Play Scott, James C.
A short and proper introduction to anarchism, sociology, political science and history by James Scott. One of the most important scholars for our current age of odd and corrupt governance.
Consider the Lobster and Other Essays Wallace, David Foster
Slowly getting around to reading everything by DFW. I might even finish Infinite Jest this year.
The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet Mitchell, David
Read during two intercontintental flights. Not the best of literature but still a tour de force by David Mitchell who makes everything look easy.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Thompson, Hunter S.
Another long overdue classic. Mind stretching.
Kill Decision Suarez, Daniel
A light but important technothriller featuring drone warfare.
Sprakeloos Lanoye, Tom
Too indulgent as is to be expected of Lanoye’s novels. We’re better off if he writes theater.
The Little Prince Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de
Another long overdue book. Read in French.
Common Sense Paine, Thomas
Highly readable and very stimulating. They don’t write ’em like that anymore.
1Q84 Murakami, Haruki
Murakami is another of my indulgences however mixed his later books are becoming.
Liars and Outliers: Enabling the Trust that Society Needs to Thrive Schneier, Bruce
A highly necessary game theoretical analysis of society’s processes.
Alien Phenomenology, or What It’s Like to Be a Thing Bogost, Ian
The best introduction to OOO you could find anywhere.
Prince of Networks: Bruno LaTour and Metaphysics Harman, Graham
A very good introduction to Latour and the current speculative realistic vein in philosophy.
Koorddansen in de Kaukasus: Reis door Ruslands onbeheersbare achtertuin Koens, Olaf
Spectacular portrait of this inaccessible edge of Europe.
Essays in Love: A Novel Botton, Alain de
To the Lighthouse Woolf, Virginia
Long overdue but a brilliant book.
Persuasive Games: The Expressive Power of Videogames Bogost, Ian
It turns out that reading How to do things with videogames is the better choice.
The Windup Girl Bacigalupi, Paolo
Highly necessary future climate dystopia. Bacigalupian is definitely going to be a thing. Large parts of the world are already living it.
Beginning Iphone 3 Development: Exploring the Iphone SDK Mark, Dave
The book that got me into iPhone development (and did it quite well).
The Art of Travel Botton, Alain de
Zendegi Egan, Greg
Some interesting ideas, but still not the hard Egan sci-fi one would want.