So it turns out I’ve fallen immensely behind with the weeknotes over here, but we did start writing them at the new office now, which should make up for something. Those live at currently.
What happened that week was a bunch of work and getting a desk from IKEA to work on at the new place:
The Möbeltaxi driver took us on an interesting shortcut through the old service tunnels of Tempelhof —I am amazed that Moves tracked it as well as it did— which might be fun to do some urban exploring in at some point:
Back then we were still drinking some horrible leftover coffee brewed in a two step process:
And I had a talk for at Bits of Freedom that I sketched out on our brilliant new whiteboard:
I promised the people future shock and I think I delivered that to some extent.
Na de avond van @bitsoffreedom resoneert bij mij een opmerking van @alper: het vermogen tot gebruik van technologie is wat ons mens maakt.
— Xander Bouwman (@xbouwman) May 29, 2013