Week 334

I’m writing this from Japan after seeing I have fallen seriously off the blogging horse. I think this particular week I was a bit under the weather but I did manage to get out a minimal prototype for AJI.


That was the week of the Somewhere cocktails event here a lot of friends were present.

Somewhere Team

Co-up had their summer barbecue which was a fun grill and beer on the street.


And end of the week we got to meet Simon and Ulla who were visiting Berlin. It’s always awesome to have friends drop by (you should too!). We spent the afternoon drinking coffee and eating Austrian food.

The cold drip at @chapterone is at a proper kick-in-the-head strength.

And after that we went to a gallery in Kreuzberg with an exposition about the influx of new people into Berlin. The artist had outfitted a proper German Behörde and given us a form to fill in about our reasons for coming to Berlin. I was amazed to read the growing number of Dutch people coming to Berlin every year now. Nobody in Berlin is really from Berlin.


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