Dear Mr. Alper Cugun,
Thank you for your request.
A good coverage with medical services and an adequate access for all population groups belong to the central intentions of Health Policy. The question how many doctors will be needed for a suitable supply of the people and how an adequate distribution of doctors can be reached is as nearly as old as the statutory health insurance itself. The GKV-Spitzenverband is a member of the “Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss (G-BA)”, a committee that decides on legal norms on a federal level, including the “Bedarfsplanungs-Richtlinie”. That is the fundamental basis of the planning policy for outpatient doctors in the regions. Actually, the G-BA decided to change some of the norms and to increase the number of paediatricians by approximately 400.
Berlin as a metropole has altogether a very high level of doctors in the outpatient care. That includes also the number of paediatricians. In this respect, we have no shortage of paediatricians in general. Nevertheless, as in many other regions we have partially problems with a good distribution of these doctors.
For Information about concrete measures to improve the supply situation, please contact the KV Berlin. If you have problems to find a paediatrician, you can try the online search engine of the KV Berlin. There you will find nearly 400 paediatricians in Berlin ( You also can call or contact the “Terminservicestelle” of the KV Berlin. That is a special service center of the KV, that arranges appointments with doctors for you, if you can´t find a doctor on your own.
I hope this information will be helpful for you.
Kind Regards
Kathleen Lehmann
Referat 2140 — Bedarfsplanung, Psychotherapie, neue Versorgungsformen
I think they told me to go fuck myself. But in any case our problem finding a pediatrician has been solved through other means.