Learning about Rust types and dynamic dispatch

So I had some code very similar to the following that wouldn’t compile and me with my old Python head was a bit surprised why this was the case. It was a bit more complicated to figure it out in my example but this simplified version makes it pretty clear.

trait SomeTrait {}

impl SomeTrait for u8 {}
impl SomeTrait for u16 {}

fn function() -> impl SomeTrait {
    if true {
    } else {

Why did I think it would work? Because both types implement the same trait, it’ll come down to the same thing in the end and that should be fine, right? I think that’s Python talking.

The Rust compiler needs to know how much space every function’s return type requires. 


Let’s think about it from a Rust perspective which means think about the memory layout of this. We’re on the stack here and in this case it may only be a difference of a byte, it’s very possible to have two vastly different types implement the same trait. That can’t possibly work.

The answer then of course is to:
1. Move things into the heap with `Box. That doesn’t fully solve it because then both arms have a different type Box<u8> and Box<u16> respectively. But crucially now they’re always the same size.
2. Change the return type to a trait object that both types conform to with dyn.

trait SomeTrait {}

impl SomeTrait for u8 {}
impl SomeTrait for u16 {}

fn function() -> Box<dyn SomeTrait> {
    if true {
    } else {

This works and is dispatched dynamically.

Thanks by the way to the people in the Tokio Discord for being extremely patient with me.

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