Always nice to be able to write stuff that the team has been doing and share it with the world.

Kubernetes is a very maligned technology but if properly managed it can be part of an entirely boring infrastructure portfolio. Realistically it’s not doing that much more than running docker on a bunch of machines and pulling images. React has a similarly bad reputation which is not stopping lots of developers from getting tons of work done with it.

Long distance bike packing races however brutal they may be look like they fulfil an ideal. They have an activity that’s not that fast but where you can still cover a lot of distance and terrain. The contestants are physically and mentally absurdly fit and still they go through hell. The remoteness of the locations usually creates a special connection to the local people and culture.

It’s something more people should do or at least aspire to.

Logitech already has a forever mouse. No need for an MBA CEO to reinvent the wheel.

The G500s I bought in 2013 is still going strong, the only thing that’s missing is updated and functioning software to go with it. Logitech’s own driver offering was always absurdly bloated and after a couple of years dropped support for this particular model.